Monday, September 23, 2024

The Control of Media

 The USA controls what its citizens see in the media. This cannot be denied. Cable news and newspapers have been under their complete control for decades, but new forms of media on the internet have been difficult for the empire to gain a hold of. That is no longer the case. 

Cable news and major newspapers in the US only support one side of any geopolitical argument, that is the state's official stance on the issue. These outlets will give the illusion of freedom by taking either a left or rightwing approach to their domestic ideology. Anyone who does not tow the party line geopolitically will not be guest speakers, let alone anchors or writers. RT America was forced out of existence entirely. 

A way around this in the early 21st century had been social media and the internet at large. However, the state has begun to crack down on every major social media or encrypted messenger app they can get a hold of. Their billionaire American lackeys were all too happy to help in order to retain their fortune. Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg will tow the party line, or else. 

One Russian billionaire, the founder of Telegram, had resisted until recently. He was arrested in France in August of 2024 on trumped up charges. It was announced in September of 2024 that Telegram would begin supplying the IP addresses of "reported accounts" that were involved in "breaking the terms of service." This is a clear sign that they gave Durov, the Telegram founder, an offer he couldn't refuse. 

Whatsapp had been encrypted and outside of the reach of the American empire until it was bought by Zuckerberg's Meta and placed into the US government's integrated spying and information denial apparatus. TikTok is scheduled to be banned in January of 2024 unless it is "sold." The implication is that the empire wants it to be sold to an American company so it can be properly controlled, or it will not be allowed. 

It is a matter of time before post such as this are suppressed. That is the direction the compete control of media is trending. Eventually even a small article that few people see will be considered heretical by the state and deleted. 

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