Sunday, October 20, 2024

Genocide of Gaza Full Documentation for the International Court of Justice (My account)

The IDF has committed innumerable war crimes in Gaza. The Israelis are intentionally depriving the population of food, bombing and executing civilians deliberately and destroying civil infrastructure to make Gaza unlivable.

Genocidal statements have been made from the top down. Even Netanyahu cites Amalek from the bible and compares the story to the Palestinians. Soldiers comment "death to Arabs" on social media.

The Israelis have demonized anyone trying to help the Palestinians, from UNRWA to private aid organizations. UNRWA and other UN facilities in Gaza are targeted by IDF soldiers for fun on social media and apparently are used as bases by the soldiers, or are destroyed. A World Central Kitchen convoy was deliberately bombed to stop aid operations as well. The USA (Israel's greatest ally) had to resort to air dropping supplies into Gaza because the IDF and Israeli settlers blocked all border checkpoints into the Gaza strip.

Evidence of field executions has emerged from several areas of the Gaza strip. One body was apparently run over by a tank with a zip tie evident on one of the arms. This is evidence that a captive was run over, probably alive. More zip tied bodies were photographed in the courtyard of Shifa hospital when the IDF withdrew from its two week siege in March. Al-Jazeera obtained several videos of IDF soldiers shooting unarmed Palestinians and of drones targeting unarmed Palestinians.

The deliberate and systematic destruction of civilian infrastructure cannot be denied. The IDF has filmed themselves detonating and bulldozing schools, mosques, and universities. Israa university was detonated with explosive charges from the ground. It had no military significance but was blown apart anyway. IDF tanks have been filmed firing on mosques for amusement of the soldiers. Cemeteries have been leveled as well, this was first uncovered by CNN. At least 16 cemeteries have been destroyed in the Gaza strip apparently for no reason other than to wipe away evidence of Palestinian existence.

Razing of neighborhoods and civilian homes is the most frequent war crime of the IDF in the 2023-2024 genocide. This is a common sight from IDF social media. Reprisals for soldiers killed in action have also taken place. In one instance, 20 Palestinian home were detonated as punishment for 20 KIA soldiers. Khan Younis has been almost completely razed to the ground. According to some numbers, 60% of buildings in the Gaza strip have been destroyed.

Genocidal Intent for Gaza

Many outrageous statements have been made at all levels of Israeli society regarding Gaza. The intent to commit genocide seems obvious. Political leaders, military leaders and journalists in Israel all shout genocide from the rooftops.

These are recent statements that were not included in any UN or human rights reports.

"We need to strike the enemy with TEN PLAGUES, WIPE OUT THE MEMORY OF AMALEK, to outstretch the arm with a mighty hand & give him one blow until it SCREAMS” - Colonel Oren Zini on Israeli television.

"Burn Gaza! Neighborhood after neighborhood." -Colonel Elad Schwartz of the 91st division IDF.

"There are 2 million Nazis in Gaza who want to slaughter, rape, and murder every Jew."- Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich.

"These people deserve a hard death, an agonizing death. And instead, we see them enjoying the beach, having fun... We should have seen a lot more revenge, a lot more rivers of Gazans' blood." -Israeli journalist Yehuda Schlesinger on Israeli television in response to an image of Gazan's at a beach.

Genocidal intent (most importantly from the military and political class) is blatantly obvious.

Israel's Ethnic Cleansing Plan

It was obvious to anyone who knew anything about the Israel-Palestine issue that when civilians were marched from Gaza city to Rafah they may not be allowed to ever return. About a million people have been displaced toward Rafah, and they are prevented from returning by the IDF. In April 2024, a large group of Gazans tried to return North only to be fired on by Israeli boats and harassed by jets, forcing them to turn around.

The Gaza strip had previously been partially occupied by Israel in a settlement bloc called Gush Katif. These settlements were removed by Israel in 2005 and replaced with a tighter siege on the Gaza strip. Many Israelis have longed to return, and the events of the current genocide give them an opportunity.

Half of the Gaza strip is now separated by an IDF "deconfliction line." No Palestinian is allowed to cross North. It seems that the Gaza strip will be cut in half and made even more unlivable, and that is probably a best case scenario.

Cramming 2 million people in the Southern half of the Gaza strip in order to settle Israelis in the North will cause a massive humanitarian catastrophe. This assumes that the IDF will not launch a Rafah offensive. However, the IDF and top officials all maintain that a Rafah offensive is imminent.

IDF soldiers are not quiet on their desire to resettle Gaza. It seems a broader policy is at play. Many social media posts from IDF soldiers show Gush Katif flags.

What is Israel's "final solution" for the Gazans? Several (all bad) options emerge. They could simply cut off the Rafah area and make the Gaza strip even more hellish. They could launch an offensive to force the Palestinians into Egypt. They could deport the Palestinians by ship, as has been proposed by some Israelis, much like the Nazi's "Madagascar plan." The worst case scenario is the death of everyone in Gaza. This seems unlikely, but the intent seems to be there.

Ethnic cleansing has already been done in Gaza, is ongoing and appears to be escalating. Meanwhile the collective West provides diplomatic cover and weapons to those engaged in crimes against humanity.

Targeting of Hospitals in Gaza

Many hospitals have been targeted by the IDF in deliberate operations. Early on in the 2023-2024 genocide, the targeting of hospitals seemed ridiculous and it was denied in the media. It can no longer be denied. Two hospitals in particular illustrate this, Shifa and Nasser hospital.

Al-Shifa hospital is Gaza's largest, located in Gaza city. The hospital came under two sieges during the genocide. The second siege saw the complete destruction of the facility, the execution of patients and doctors along with the abduction of many more.

The second siege of Al-Shifa saw doctors and patients targeted by sniper fire initially. When the hospital was taken over, many civilians and doctors were taken captive and many others executed in the courtyard. After the withdraw of the IDF from Shifa hospital, mass graves in the courtyard were discovered. Bodies were also left to rot in the open. Many bodies had zip ties around their wrists, clear evidence that executions took place. Some bodies were crushed by tanks. It is unclear if this was done before or after the death of the victims.

Nasser hospital was destroyed by the IDF in Khan Younis. Khan Younis saw a massive campaign of razing by the Israelis that left the entire city in ruins. When the IDF withdrew from Khan Younis, bodies were discovered in mass graves in several locations, including Nasser hospital. It is reported that some were shot at close range. Some of the bodies were missing heads, skin and/or organs. Some of the bodies were identified as having been moved from cemeteries.

A third hospital that came under attack was the Turkish cancer hospital. This was Gaza's only dedicated cancer treatment facility. It was evacuated by the IDF and subsequently used as a base by their soldiers. Social media posts from soldiers in this hospital show destruction of medical equipment and use of the roof of the facility for sniper operations. In one photo posted by a solider "death to Arabs" is written in Hebrew on the hospital wall. In a video posted by another soldier,  an ultrasound machine is smashed with a rifle. 

These crimes against humanity have gone largely unreported in Western media in spite of photographic evidence. If any other nation had committed these atrocities, it would be 24/7 news.

Israel Attacks the United Nations

Israel has attacked the UN (and UNRWA in particular) both diplomatically and militarily during the 2023-2024 genocide. Israel alleged that UNRWA aided the October 7th attack, or that about a dozen of its members did. They provided no evidence of this. The IDF has also razed some UN buildings and used other UN buildings as bases for the tanks.

The effort to frame UNRWA as a "terrorist organization" was both to legitimize its attacks on UNRWA infrastructure in the Gaza strip and to cause diplomatic outrage. In the wake of Israel's allegations against UNRWA, the USA and much of Europe suspended funds to the organization. As UNRWA is the largest organization provided aid to the Gaza strip, it was Israel's goal to extend the humanitarian crisis on the Palestinian people. Many nations have since resumed funding UNRWA, but the USA passed a budget stating that they would not resume funding it until 2025.

Within Gaza, the IDF destroys and uses UN buildings. One video posted by a soldier shows machine guns and should fired rockets being leveled at an empty UNRWA building. Another video shows the destruction of a UN school using anti-tank mines that were planted inside. More footage emerged of a Merkava tank firing on an empty UN building. A soldier on Facebook posted a photo of Palestinian captives stripped and held in the courtyard of a UN building. Many more photos exist of tanks stationed in UN building courtyards, apparently being used as IDF bases.

The IDF has total disdain for the UN, yet in the wake of the Iranian retaliation for the Damascus consulate bombing, they cried for condemnation from the UN. It is Israel's state policy to defy and vilify the United Nations. In this and many other ways Israel is a rouge state worthy of sanctions at the very least.

Rwanda and Bosnia Compared to Gaza

The genocides in Bosnia and Rwanda in the 1990s have many parallels to the ongoing situation in Gaza. From ethnic cleansing to targeting UN officials, the IDF draws from the playbooks of past atrocities and brings them into the 21st century.

The Rwanda genocide took place in 1994 when Hutus targeted Tutsis, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians. The UN report on what occurred was published in 1999.

"The international community did not prevent the genocide, nor did it stop the genocide once the killing had begun." Not only is the international community not stopping the killing in Gaza, it is arming the side committing genocide.

27 members of the UN (peacekeepers, military observers and staff) were killed during the Rwanda genocide. 177 UN personnel have so far been killed in Gaza through 2023-2024. The IDF has also razed UN buildings and schools and fired rockets and tank shells at empty UNRWA facilities, all posted to social media. According to the UN report for the Bosnia genocide, 117 UN protection force personnel were killed in Srebrenica.

In response to the events of the Bosnian genocide related to ethnic cleansing, ethnic cleansing was called a "form a genocide" by the UN. The IDF seems to be guilty of ethnic cleansing in Gaza. About a million people have been displaced in Northern Gaza toward Rafah, and are not allowed to return. On April 15th, a massive crowd of Palestinians tried to march back to Gaza city, only to be fired on by IDF boats and harassed by jets until they turned away.

Even if the Palestinians had been successful at returning to Gaza city, there is nothing to return to. The IDF made sure of it. Whole blocks have been razed in demolitions only meant to destroy civil infrastructure. This is the most common war crime posted to IDF soldiers' social media accounts. One IDF soldier filmed the demolition of a residential building and shouted "so they will have nothing to come back to!"

If ethnic cleansing is genocidal in nature, the IDF has certainly committed genocide. However, every other definition of genocide seems to have been met as well. Much like Bosnia, males were separated from females and children and often executed. While mostly men seem to be the targets of executions, many women and even children seem to have been executed as well.

On April 15th, a quadcopter drone was recorded in Nuseirat refugee camp. It was apparently armed, and playing a recoding of a crying baby. Rumors had been circulating of drones killing Palestinians who came to help at the sound of these recordings, but this was the first video evidence. The man recording the video stated that someone had been killed by the drone the previous night. Apparently anyone who approaches will be shot by the quadcopter. The most high tech genocide in world history.

Compared to Rwanda, where the Hutus used AK-47s and machetes, this is a major "upgrade." Drones, remote guns and advanced armored vehicles are taking part in the destruction of civilians and their history. The IDF is protected by the Trophy active protection systems for their tanks, and the Iron Dome for their skies. Anything that Hamas fires is essentially a pea shooter, yet they call this a "war" in the media. Perhaps it could have been called a war in the early days of the conflict, but now it is so one sided as to just be an extermination.

Past Conflicts and the Gaza Genocide of 2023-2024

The current situation in the Gaza strip has exposed lies of past IDF Gaza operations. What is happening in Gaza is nothing new, it is just being done more openly and on a larger scale.

After Operation Cast Lead in 2008-2009, the IDF received a heavy blow from the UN Goldstone report. Subsequent UN reports (like for Operation Protective Edge, 2014) would not be as harsh for a variety of political reasons. This article will examine the Goldstone report and subsequent UN reports. An analysis of behavior from Operation Cast Lead, Protective Edge and the current genocide will be compared.

It all forms a pattern of behavior that, when viewed objectively, leaves little doubt of the depraved nature of the IDF. This pattern dispels the notion that there is any ambiguity as to the intentions of the IDF, genocide.

1. The Goldstone Report-

The Goldstone report was a harsh criticism of the IDF after operation Cast Lead in 2008-2009. Richard Goldstone headed the report, former judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa and former Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. He was also a dedicated Zionist. The report is widely considered largely untrue and biased by proponents of Israel, but events in 2014 and 2023-2024 vindicate it.

"...the Mission also notes factors that significantly undermined the effectiveness of the warnings issued. These include the lack of specificity and thus credibility of many pre-recorded phone messages and leaflets. The credibility of instructions to move to city centres for safety was also diminished by the fact that the city centres themselves had been the subject of intense attacks..."

"...the fact that a warning was issued does not relieve commanders and their subordinates of taking all other feasible measures to distinguish between civilians and combatants...."

"On 15 January 2009, the field office compound of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Gaza City came under shelling with high explosive and white phosphorous munitions...The Israeli armed forces continued their attack over several hours despite having been fully alerted to the risks they created."

"The Mission also finds that, on the same day, the Israeli armed forces directly and intentionally attacked al-Quds hospital in Gaza City and the adjacent ambulance depot with white phosphorous shells."

"The Mission also examined the intense artillery attacks, again including white phosphorous munitions, on al-Wafa hospital in eastern Gaza City...the Mission found a violation of the prohibition of attacks on civilian hospitals in both cases."

"The Mission examined the mortar shelling of al-Fakhura junction in Jabaliyah next to a UNRWA school, which, at the time, was sheltering more than 1,300 people (chap. X). The Israeli armed forces launched at least four mortar shells. One landed in the courtyard of a family home, killing 11 people assembled there. Three other shells landed on al-Fakhura Street, killing at least a further 24 people and injuring as many as 40."

"...alleging that the attack was launched in response to a mortar attack from an armed Palestinian group. While the Mission does not exclude that this may have been the case, it considers the credibility of Israel’s position damaged by the series of inconsistencies, contradictions and factual inaccuracies in the statements..."

"The following group of seven incidents concern the shooting of civilians while they were trying to leave their homes to walk to a safer place, waving white flags and, in some of the cases, following an injunction from the Israeli forces to do so."

"...they must have been aware of their civilian status."

"...the consequences of the Israeli attacks against civilians were aggravated by their subsequent refusal to allow the evacuation of the wounded or to permit access to ambulances."

"These incidents indicate that the instructions given to the Israeli armed forces moving into Gaza provided for a low threshold for the use of lethal fire against the civilian population. The Mission found strong corroboration of this trend in the testimonies of Israeli soldiers collected in two publications it reviewed."

"...a mosque was targeted with a missile during early evening prayers, resulting in the death of 15 people..."

"...el-Bader flour mill was the only flour mill in the Gaza Strip still operating. The flour mill was hit by a series of air strikes on 9 January 2009...the precise targeting of crucial machinery, suggests that the intention was to disable the factory’s productive capacity."

"The chicken farms of Mr. Sameh Sawafeary in the Zeytoun neighbourhood south of Gaza City reportedly supplied over 10 per cent of the Gaza egg market. Armoured bulldozers of the Israeli armed forces systematically flattened the chicken coops, killing all 31,000 chickens..."

"...a strike against a wall of one of the raw sewage lagoons of the Gaza wastewater treatment plant, which caused the outflow of more than 200,000 cubic metres of raw sewage onto neighbouring farmland. The circumstances of the strike suggest that it was deliberate and premeditated."

"The Namar wells complex in Jabaliyah consisted of two water wells, pumping machines, a generator, fuel storage, a reservoir chlorination unit, buildings and related equipment. All were destroyed by multiple air strikes on the first day of the Israeli aerial attack. The Mission considers it unlikely that a target the size of the Namar wells could have been hit by multiple strikes in error."

"...the Israeli armed forces engaged in another wave of systematic destruction of civilian buildings during the last three days of their presence in Gaza, aware of their imminent withdrawal."

"The Mission investigated four incidents in which the Israeli armed forces coerced Palestinian civilian men at gunpoint to take part in house searches during the military operations (chap. XIV). The men were blindfolded and handcuffed as they were forced to enter houses ahead of the Israeli soldiers. Published testimonies of Israeli soldiers who took part in the military operations confirm the continuation of this practice...The Mission concludes that this practice amounts to the use of Palestinian civilians as human shields..."

"Israeli armed forces rounded up large numbers of civilians and detained them in houses and open spaces in Gaza and, in the case of many Palestinian men, also took them to detention facilities in Israel."

"Civilians, including women and children, were detained in degrading conditions, deprived of food, water and access to sanitary facilities, and exposed to the elements in January without any shelter. The men were handcuffed, blindfolded and repeatedly made to strip, sometimes naked, at different stages of their detention."

"Israeli troops had dug out sandpits in which Palestinian men, women and children were detained. Israeli tanks and artillery positions were located inside the sandpits and around them and fired from next to the detainees."

"The tactics used by the Israeli armed forces in the Gaza offensive are consistent with previous practices, most recently during the Lebanon war in 2006. A concept known as the Dahiya doctrine emerged then, involving the application of disproportionate force and the causing of great damage and destruction to civilian property and infrastructure, and suffering to civilian populations."

" at 1 June 2009, there were approximately 8,100 Palestinian “political prisoners” in detention in Israel, including 60 women and 390 children...due process rights for Palestinians are severely limited."

"The ICRC Family Visits Programme in the Gaza Strip was suspended in 2007, barring all means of communication between Gazan prisoners and the outside world."

"During the Israeli military operations in Gaza, the number of children detained by Israel was higher than in the same period in 2008. Many children were reportedly arrested on the street and/or during demonstrations in the West Bank. The number of child detainees continued to be high in the months following the end of the operations, accompanied by reports of abuses by Israeli security forces."

"The element of discrimination and differential treatment between Palestinian and Jewish citizens of Israel by the judicial authorities, as indicated in the reports received, is a substantial cause for concern."

"The Government of Israel imposed a ban on media access to Gaza following 5 November 2008. Furthermore, access was denied to human rights organizations and the ban continues for some international and Israeli organizations."

"The Mission concludes that there are serious doubts about the willingness of Israel to carry out genuine investigations in an impartial, independent, prompt and effective way as required by international law."

Operation Protective Edge-

Launched in the summer of 2014, Protective Edge killed far more Palestinians than Cast Lead. However, political circumstances were such that the UN report was less harsh on Israel than the Goldstone report had been.

Over 100 2,000 pound bombs were dropped on the Shuja'iha neighborhood of Gaza alone. This is one of the most densely populated areas of Gaza. The same neighborhood was set on fire by the IDF in 2023, as filmed by a drone of the IDF with commentary from IDF soldiers.

Israel struck UN shelters during this operation. It claimed it was a mistake. Copious footage has been posted by IDF soldiers in 2023-2024 deliberately shooting at and even completely destroying UN facilities with anti-tank mines for fun.

Israel prevented Amnesty International from accessing Gaza during Protective edge. Amnesty compared Israel to authoritarian regimes that often do the same to hide war crimes.

Al-Wafa hospital was targeted by 8 tank shells, two missiles and thousands of bullets.

Al-Shifa hospital was alleged to be a Hamas base. Foreign surgeons working freely in the hospital refuted this claim. IDF claims Hamas used Shifa to interrogate captives. No evidence of this was seen by the UN, journalists or NGOs. Shifa hospital was again targeted by two sieges by the IDF in 2023-2024. Reportedly, doctors and patients were fired on. After the IDF withdrew from the hospital the second time. many bodies of civilians were found in the courtyard. Many had been run over by tanks, many others had zip ties visible on their arms, indicating executions took place.

45 ambulances were targeted during protective edge.

22 schools were destroyed during protective edge. Many schools have been razed during 2023-2024.

UN schools that were targeted were not being used by Hamas, as reported by the UN.

73 mosques were destroyed in protective edge. The Goldstone report investigated an intentional attack on a mosque, which to some at the time seemed outlandish. Today it is an undeniable fact, as numerous videos posted by IDF soldiers show the destruction and desecration of religious sites, often times for amusement.

IDF targeted Gaza's only power plant several times during Protective Edge.

"Breaking the Silence" and IDF veteran organization, confirmed that artillery was fired with reckless abandon inside Gaza.

After IDF soldier Hadar Goldin was captured by Hamas in Rafah, the entire area was leveled with artillery and air strikes. Even after forensic evidence indicated he was killed, the bombardment continued apparently as retribution. Vehicles and pedestrians were intentionally targeted in the area.

IDF soldiers statements indicated that destruction was seen as an "accomplishment."

In some cases the IDF warned people to stay in their homes, which were then bombed according to Amnesty International.

Four children were targeted on a beach in Gaza and killed during protective edge. This caused quite an outcry, and of course Israel claimed it mistook them for Hamas. We know now from copious photographic evidence that targeting civilians and even children is commonplace among IDF soldiers and seemingly tolerated or even encouraged by the high command.

A guided 500 pound bomb also targeted children on a roof during Protective Edge. A similar case happened in 2024 on video obtained by Al-Jazeera.

The UN report made the case that Israel targeted areas at times when the most civilians would be present. The UN report itself stated that targeting civilians may be part of a broader policy.

IDF testimonies recalled targeted random civilian homes after a soldier had been killed. A similar case occurred on an IDF soldier's video in 2024, 20 homes were detonated to avenge the death of 20 soldiers.

"Civilians holding white flags attempted to leave Khuza'a...IDF...opened fire on them...11 people were seriously injured." There are several cases on film of people being shot carrying white flags or otherwise surrendering during the Gaza Genocide of 2023-2024.

One person ( a 70 year old woman) was left behind by her family in a scramble to escape. The family returned days later to find her shot in the head. A similar case happened in 2024 where a 94 year old woman was burned in her home by IDF soldiers.

The UN report accused Israel of collective punishment during Protective Edge.

The UN report for Protective Edge documented a case where a tank targeted civilians. The infamous "flour massacre" during the 2023-2024 genocide was a similar case.

"The IDF followed a pre-calculated pattern of wide spread razing of neighborhoods in certain areas." During the 2023-2024 genocide, razing was probably the most common war crime. Copious videos were posted by soldiers destroying mosques, schools, UN buildings, universities and whole blocks entirely.

The Beit Hanoun UNRWA school attack of 2014 has a lot of parallels to the World Central Kitchen aid worker strike of 2024. UNRWA had been in regular contact with the IDF and gave them the coordinates of the school on 12 occasions. It was struck anyway. The same case occurred for the Jabalia school. UNRWA notified the IDF of the school's location 28 times, and the IDF confirmed they received the information. UNRWA had also been in steady contact by email and telephone. That didn't stop the school from being shelled by four 155mm shells. The IDF's disdain for UNRWA is now clear. Copious footage of firing on UNRWA buildings has come to light in the 2023-2024 genocide, apparently for fun.

The IDF was well aware of the location of UNRWA in 2014, and they likewise were well aware of WCK aid workers when they were bombed three times, murdering 7. the IDF claimed it was a mistake, but an obvious pattern emerges.

The UN report for protective edge documents the death of 23 health care workers. That pales in comparison to the events of 2023-2024.

Ambulance movements were coordinated with the IDF during Protective Edge, however in several cases they were struck anyway. This again goes back to striking clearly marked vehicles (like the WCK aid truck in 2024) which could not have been mistaken for anything else.

The UN report stated that Israel could not be trusted to conduct and internal review of its crimes.

The report pondered in the massive destruction of Gaza during protective edge had been approved by the highest levels of government. Based on statements made during the 2023-2024 events this now seems very likely.


As of September of 2024, Rafah is in ruins. It has been systematically razed to the ground by the IDF to prevent the population from ever returning. Buildings were demolished with excavators, bulldozers and controlled demolitions using explosives, all to the cheers of IDF soldiers. Even the water pumping station in Rafah has been detonated.

Biden had previously stated that an offensive on Rafah by the IDF would be a red line. This did not materialize as Rafah lies in ruins and weapons from the USA continue to flow to Israel. The USA has become complicit in the Gaza ethnic cleansing/genocide, it is now undeniable.


Jabalia has become a suburb of Gaza city, once being a refugee camp. In October of 2024, Northern Gaza was ordered to evacuate, including Jabalia. This in itself is an act of forced displacement and ethnic cleansing. An intense bombing campaign killed hundreds of civilians in Northern Gaza in and around Jabalia. Three hospitals were ordered to evacuate, and evidence has so far shown that they are being targeted by the IDF as of October. 

Parts of Jabalia have already been emptied. In social media posts from IDF soldiers, a school is shown being forcibly evacuated, the males arrested, and then burned down. The women are marched South and the men suffer an unknown fate. It is likely some will be sent to the IDF's prisons in Israel proper without charge or trial. 

As part of the "General's plan" as it became known, Northern Gaza is in peril. As of October 21st, 2024 the Indonesian hospital has been set on fire. This was one of only three functioning hospitals in the North. 

Genocidal statements of the IDF

IDF soldiers and officers operating in the Gaza strip have made telling statements on their intent for Gaza and its people.

  1. Commander & Major. Avinoam Goelman, 98th divsion

Kill civilians”, “kill children”, “starve Gazans to death.”

2- Captain.Eliah Sagron

Act against all the residents of Gaza with a siege and permanent expulsion and in ways that will drastically reduce their population...”

3-Major Yaakov Madi

“...With God's blessed help, the nation of Israel will win... ERASING GAZA."

4-Major. Yochai Greenlick, commander of IDF 5645 battalion

"Soldiers who have not yet entered Gaza want to enter quickly because they are afraid that by the time they get in, there will be no Gaza left for them as well."

5-Captain. Elad Gabian

“To clarify, their children also need to die...”

6-Lt Colonel Tal Bibi

“Take down 100 k or 200 K Gazans and then throw the rest in the sea…. There are no civilians… flatten Gaza.

7- Lt. Colonel Sheila Granevich

“leave no innocents in the strip and the total expulsion of it’s citizens.

8-Colonel. Nir Yogev

"Do not broadcast close-up pictures of the suffering in Gaza, of masses searching among the ruins for belongings or survivors. It's not interesting!

9-Major Amit Eylion

“...kill and destroy everything and flatten Gaza...

10-Lt. Colonel Tal Torn

“Human animals. Unbelievable. Wipe out Gaza now!”

11-Tank commander Baoz Maman

“Let the Gaza Strip be erased, let all the houses there be destroyed, and let the entire population there live in tents.”

12- Major. Don Goldberger

“...And we flatten Gaza to pieces...”

13-Captain Meir Rapaport

“Erase the memory of the Amalek”

14-Officer Sasha Protasenya

“Death to the Arab scum in Gaza, all of them.

15-Sg. Major Alex Garelik

“The task is simple: to turn Gaza into a flat area with beautiful beaches.

16- Lt. Colonel Noam Aharon

“Eliminate to pieces every male in the city, take the property, women, and children, and flatten the city.”

17-Major Avrum Tomer

Our moral starting point should be clear….And if we need to starve the entire population so that Hamas also starves, so be it, and if we need to destroy the Strip, we will destroy it. turn the Gaza Strip and perhaps parts of Lebanon into islands of ruins, from the sea, air, and land.

18-Lt. Col Eran Burg

“I really hope that at 11 o'clock, with the sounding of the siren, a rain of munitions will fall on the Gaza Strip, so that they too will remember and not forget.”

19- Lt. Col Shmuel Yagodaev

“The day after' in the Gaza Strip needs to look in such a way that those who were there 'the day before' simply won't be!”

20-Lt. Col Haim Har-Zahav

“We must not pity the civilians of Gaza; they are human animals, just like Hamas.

21-Major Hagar Amar

“There is not a single woman or man in Gaza. There are only those destined to die.

22-Colonel Daniel Rod

“We are dealing with Human animals.

23-Colonel Tsachi Finton

“No innocents in Gaza.

24-Major. Asaf Fred

“No good arabs. They are all enemies.

25-Cpt. Yachiam Sharlo

“Gaza is Sodom and Gomorrah…In Gaza, there's no debate at all about whether there are righteous people in the city... So today too, this city needs to be destroyed. With fire and brimstone.”

26-Lt. Col (resv.) Avitar Elbaz

“Destroy the enemy no matter the result, mainly to wage war and annihilate Gaza.

27-Major. Yoel Tobiana

“We do not negotiate with Nazis! We squeeze them until they cry 'enough!' Nohumanitarian' aid to Nazis, no fuel, no electricity...”

28-Colonel Noam Ben-Zvi

Put in a force that will block the crossings between Egypt to Gaza, now. And anyone who tries- shall be put to death. And no food and water. Let them all eat sand.

29-Major. Meir Liosh

״Annihilate Gaza inch by inch.”

30-Major Udi Tene

"Tear apart Gaza.”

31- Lt. Col Aharon Weizner

“Enough with the defense; we need to flatten Gaza.”

32- Major. Ilan Arad

“Wipe out the seed of Amalek.

33-Lt Colonel Itzik Nachmias

“No humanitarian aid or anything until they return, besides the horse, no one else will remain alive."”

34-Lt. Col. Itamar Eitam

"Gazans have a culture of wickedness."

35-Colonel Elad Shwartz

“Burn Gaza! Neighborhood after neighborhood.

36-Lt Colonel (resv) in 8114 battalion Shlomi Hazoni

“Gaza Residents. Yes, we are coming for revenge, hard & painful revenge”

37-Captain Yigal Peleg

“There will be a strong and powerful battle that will kill and destroy every living soul in its path…Anyone who speaks otherwise simply does not understand..”

38-Colonel Yaron Buganim

“Erase Gaza from the maps.

39- Warrant Officer Benny Ragi

Flatten Gaza!“

40-Lt Col Boaz Cohen

You shall blot out the memory of Amalek.”

41-Major. Yaakov Selavan

“Wipe out the memory of Amalek from under the heaven.

42-Lt.Col (resv) Roni Eliav

I cannot find any mercy towards residents of Gaza. The residents of Gaza need to pay.. no sorrow at all for a Gazan...”

43-Officer Moshe Rosenbaum

“The annihilation of Amalek became a reality since October 7th.”

44-Cpt. Maor Sabbag

“The goal: to create a humanitarian disaster in the Strip.”

45-Captain Noam Nissan

Cleanse Gaza from its current inhabitants.

Israeli officials predicted in 2016 that the next war with Gaza would be the last. "The next conflict has to be the last conflict." They had already decided on genocide before the events of October 7th, 2023. It is evident that a genocide is taking place. Furthermore, the Goldstone report has been vindicated by recent events proving its, at the time, hard to swallow allegations.

The 2023-2024 events are almost certainly genocidal in nature. Razing of mosques, cemeteries, churches, UN facilities, schools and colleges cannot be written of as anything else. Combine this with obvious targeting of civilians and a massive campaign of forced displacement within the Gaza strip. Genocidal statements have been made at all levels. References to "Amalek" run rampant among the IDF in regards to Gaza.

Executions, torture, destruction and humiliation are the tactics of the IDF. It is their official/unofficial policy. The above reports and current events prove this (to the author at least) beyond a shadow of a doubt.

A genocide is unfolding and Western governments are complicit with their continued supply of weapons after numerous war crimes committed. The "most moral army in the world" must be stopped and those responsible for war crimes tried in the Hague.