Monday, February 10, 2025

West Bank Journal (updated periodically)

 The West Bank is divided into three areas: A, B and C. Area C is the least populated while area A contains the urban centers such as Jenin and Tulkarem. In recent weeks, the IDF has ramped up attacks on all sectors of the West Bank. Collective punishment, razing and forced displacement acts have already been committed.

 Palestinians are being moved out of area C and structures are being destroyed. On February 10th, 2025 Khalet al-Daba/Masafer yatta came under IDF attack. Several homes, toilets, solar panels and trees were demolished by IDF excavators. Many Palestinians have already been forced to flee area C.

Roads and water pipes in and around Jenin and Tulkarem have been demolished by IDF bulldozers for seemingly no military purpose. In Jenin buildings have been detonated and burned. The purpose seems to be to make the area less livable. This is the same doctrine as in Gaza, now being moved rapidly to all areas of the West Bank. All areas are under attack. Area A (Jenin) is even witnessing limited airstrikes for the first time in years.

Friday, February 7, 2025

ICJ Judge Julia Sabutinde is Compromised

 Judge Julia Sabutinde was the one judge of 15 who dissented from South Africa's genocide case against Israel. In her dissent paper, she goes into extreme detail of the Israel-Palestine "history." It is highly unusual. There is almost no possible way she could know all of this information or have compiled it in such a manner. 

Furthermore, it was revealed by Norman Finkelstein and his associates that Sabutinde plagiarized about a third of the report. It is clear to me that she didn't plagiarize anything, because she didn't write the report. The report was written for her by Israeli agents. It is unclear why these agents would be so sloppy in their execution of the dissent paper. In my opinion it is possible the paper was written by a combination of AI and Israeli Mossad agents. It reads like a ChatGPT paper that was hastily popped out. 

I decided to fact check Finkelstein and put some of Sabutinde's dissent paper into a plagiarism checker. Sure enough, much of the paper is lifted word for word from often obscure sources. This adds to my belief that it was at least partially AI generated. Israel is known to use AI in its military, it is not a leap to think they could use it to write a paper.

This is a wake up call. The now top judge of the International Court of Justice is compromised. I belief she is being blackmailed and/or threatened, not bribed. Israel may use her to get away with a genocide. South Africa's case has not truly been heard yet. Sabutinde must immediately resign her position and Israel should be investigated.

Below are excerpts from the dissent, and the sources it was lifted from.

“...the line in the north emerged from anglo-french negotiations in 1923 the one in the south was fixed by treaties in the mid-1920s between britain and the new nation of saudi arabia t border between the mandate of palestine and the mandate of mesopotamia iraq was of little immediate importance given that the line was in the middle of an uninhabited desert and britain controlled both sides that line was finally fixed through an exchange of letters in the eastern part of mandatory palestine...” 

-Julia Sebutinde 

“The line in the north emerged from Anglo-French negotiations in 1923. The one in the south was fixed by treaties in the mid-1920s between Britain and the new nation of Saudi Arabi The border between Mandate Palestine and Mandate Mesopotamia was of little immediate importance, given that it was in the middle of an uninhabited desert and Britain controlled both sides....” 

-Plagiarized from “The forgotten history of the term Palestine” By Douglas J. Feith, Dec. 13, 2021 

"...the israelis recognized that despite impressive operational and tactical achievements on the battlefield there was no guarantee that they would alwa dominate the arab states militarily."

-Julia Sebutinde 

 “The Israelis recognized that, despite impressive operational and tactical achievements on the battlefield, there was no guarantee that they would always dominate the Arab states militarily.. 

-Plagiarized from “” “Events on October 25 in history, Yom Kippur war official ends with a ceasefire"

“In 2008, Israel tried yet again to table the idea of a two-State solution before the new leadership of the PLO. Prime Minister Ehud Olmert went even further than Ehud Barak had, expanding the peace offer to include additional land to sweeten the deal. Like his predecessor, the new Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, turned the deal down” 

-Julia Sebutinde

 “In 2008, Israel tried yet again. Prime Minister Ehud Omar went even further than Ehud Barak had, expanding the peace offer to include additional land to sweeten the deal. Like his predecessor, the new Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, turned the deal down.”

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Gaza Genocide Aftermath

 In mid-January of 2025, a ceasefire was agreed to in the Gaza strip. This deal could have been made much sooner, indeed it is the same agreement that was proposed in May of 2024. The simple truth was that Israel did not want an agreement and had to be forced into one.

Gazans return North.

Trump's negotiation team apparently gave the Israelis no choice but to agree to a ceasefire. This is a huge indictment of the Biden administration's handling of the situation. Biden and Blinken could have stopped the onslaught many months ago. Instead, they ran cover for the Israelis and smeared the Palestinians with blood libels. It was not the Gazan resistance groups that didn't want a ceasefire, it was Israel the entire time. 

The IDF withdrew from Gaza in mid-January, leaving behind their destructive aftermath. They left behind razed neighborhoods and cities. Deliberate bulldozing, bombing and controlled demolitions to ensure that the Palestinians had nothing to come back to. Under the rubble are thousands of now skeletonized bodies that could not be retrieved.

Harrowing photographs of the return of Gazans to the North of the strip show them among rubble. Skeletons litter the ground.

In the coming months and years the true death toll will become known as bodies are slowly recovered. With few pieces of machinery left to excavate and no concrete mix coming into the Gaza strip, this will be a slow process.