Monday, September 30, 2024

Rafah's Destruction

 In March of 2024, Biden stated that an attack on Rafah was a "red line" for his administration. This was quickly rolled back as bombing incidents in May and June compromised this narrative. As of September 2024, Rafah is in ruins. The IDF has almost completely razed the city to the ground. There is no outrage from the West.

Residential buildings with no military value have been razed with bulldozers, excavators and controlled demolitions using explosives. Even the Rafah water pumping station was detonated to prevent civilians from returning. This is an ethnic cleansing campaign and a genocide, and the Biden administration looks on. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Western Propaganda War on Syria

 Western media was involved in an intense disinformation campaign against Syria, Assad and his army from 2011-2020 in particular. As the war subsided, so did Western voices on the subject as they realized their defeat. However, the intense media disinformation blitz cannot be forgiven and cannot be forgotten. 

So called journalists such as Michael Weiss, Charles Lister, Martin Chulov and Hassan Hassan were prominent in the western propaganda mill against Syria during the height of the conflict. They made outlandish claims and outright fabrications to sway public opinion into the favor of Western interests. It was effective in influencing the Western public, but it could ultimately not change things on the ground in Syria.

Michael Weiss is one of the most distasteful liars in Western media circles. His arrogance and unlikability are immediately apparent when he speaks. Weiss has made ridiculous claims that ISIS and the Syrian army were allies and the the Russian air force never struck ISIS. This was his main focus. The irony is, he knew very well that this was not the case.

Weiss had acknowledged the cooperation of the "moderate" Free Syrian Army with ISIS in 2013 in tweets that he has since apparently deleted. In 2013, ISIS did not yet have the negative connotation associated with it. In 2013, it was just another Syrian rebel group. That all changed in 2014 when ISIS took over large swaths of Iraq. At this point, the Western narrative changed. ISIS and the FSA were never allies, in fact, the Syrian army were their allies.  

Lister also parroted this narrative. Much like Weiss, he had acknowledged the cooperation of the FSA with ISIS in 2013. He spoke on it quite extensively in fact. In 2014 he forgot he ever had such an opinion. Both Weiss and Lister backed the narrative that the Russian air force never struck ISIS, but only the Syrian "moderate" rebels. This was obviously false to anyone who kept up with the conflict. ISIS's Amaq news agency frequently published photographs of Russian aircraft striking their positions, particularly from late 2015 to 2017. 

Even more ridiculous was the claim by Weiss, Lister and Hassan that the Syrian air force was not involved in striking ISIS. Amaq news and Syria's media agencies frequently posted photographs and videos of ISIS being targeted. 

Martin Chulov was caught in a lie by the author in one of his stories in The Guardian. Chulov made the claim that a Hezbollah commander gave a speech in the town of al-Ais in September of 2016. There was a problem. Al-Ais had been under rebel control for a few months by that time. It was obvious to the author that no speech had ever taken place. The purpose of Chulov's article was to foment sectarian tensions and paint the Syrian government in a negative, sectarian light.

In one tweet, Weiss stated that ISIS was to the East of Aleppo, and the rebels to the West. He claimed that the Syrian army was attacking the West only. This is ridiculous and he knew it. The battle to break the siege of Kweres air base had occurred months earlier in a major defeat for ISIS at the hands of the Syrian army. In the months that followed Weiss's tweet, ISIS would be entirely pushed out of Aleppo province and into Raqqa province by the Syrian army's Tiger Forces. 

These men are not journalists, but intelligence agency assets hired to spread false information to sway public opinion. It is so cartoonishly Orwellian it almost can't be believed. Only a few Westerners know enough about the Syrian conflict to call these liars on their false claims. To think this disinformation campaign only happened with the Syrian war is foolish. Every war the West backs is based on lies and intentional disinformation. Read the paper and watch the news with a heavy grain of salt.

Friday, September 27, 2024

How Western Media Lied About The Syrian War

 In September of 2016, an article about Southern Aleppo was published in the Guardian, written by Martin Chulov and Kareem Shaheen. In this article, obviously false information was used to fabricate an entire news story. This was immediately apparent to me in 2016 and it weighed heavily on me for the better part of a decade. In September of 2024, I finally rediscovered the article.

In this piece, Martin Chulov claims that an Iraqi Hezbollah commander gave a speech in al-Ais village in Southern Aleppo during September of 2016. The problem with this would not be apparent to anyone but those who had kept hourly tabs on the war and knew the geography of Syria very well. The village of Al-Ais had been under rebel control for a few months by this time. No speech had ever taken place.

It should be obvious to anyone that the media lies about wars and geopolitical issues, but even I was taken aback by this story. In the alleged speech, the commander Akram al-Kaabi cites the koran and historic enemies of Shia muslims surrounded by banner and icons. Of course, no photographic or video evidence of this was presented. The goal of this article was clearly to inflame sectarian tensions and paint the Syrian government in a negative light. This was the goal of most Western media stories on the subject at the time.

Nearly everything written about the Syrian war in the Western media was a lie to some extent. However, this article is so cartoonishly false that it gives a perfect case study on the topic. Chemical weapons were likely never used by the Syrian government. The use of torture by the Syrian government was heavily exaggerated. The Syrian army *did* fight against ISIS and were never allied to them. Russia bombed ISIS heavily. All of this would appear contentious to anyone who read Western news outlets. 

In September of 2024, Martin Chulov was accused of sexual harassment and fired from the Guardian. A man with no moral compass used and then disposed of by the intelligence agency-run Western media who likewise have no morals. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Atrocity Propaganda: Israel and Western Media

 The events of the October 7th, 2023 attack have been wildly embellished by Israel and the complicit Western media. This is not the first time atrocity propaganda has been implemented by the media to manufacture consent for retaliation. It has also occurred with Libya and Iraq, for example. 

One of the most common bits of atrocity propaganda that came from Israel about October 7th was the "40 beheaded babies" lie. The western media echoed this narrative and continues to cite babies killed in the operation in spite of no evidence to support it. In fact, only one baby was recorded to have been killed on October 7th, and it appears to have been caught in a case of cross fire. 

Other lies regarding babies include babies stuffed in ovens, hung from clothes lines and cut from the mother's womb. All of these come with zero supporting evidence, and even evidence to the contrary. This does not stop the media from repeating these talking points almost one year later.

The most repeated line of atrocity propaganda is the "mass rape" lie. A true blood libel against the Palestinians. There appears to not only not have been any mass rape, but no confirmed cases of rape on October 7th at all. Independent reporting shows that hospital records from Israel do not show one instance of rape from the events of October 7th. That has not stopped Israel and news outlets such as CNN and even presidential candidate Kamala Harris from repeating the "mass rape" lie. 

Similar tactics have been levied against Western enemies before. In 2011 it was said that Gaddafi's forces were "supplied Viagra" to conduct mass sexual assaults against civilians. This of course proved to be completely false. Likewise, Saddam's military was accused of throwing babies out of incubators. Again, these claims proved to be entirely unfounded. But the damage was done.

It doesn't matter if the events are exaggerated, or even if they aren't even real at all. Western media will repeat the line until everyone believes the other side is evil. Usually this is done to manufacture consent for wars. This time it is being done to manufacture consent for a genocide of the Palestinian people of Gaza. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

The Control of Media

 The USA controls what its citizens see in the media. This cannot be denied. Cable news and newspapers have been under their complete control for decades, but new forms of media on the internet have been difficult for the empire to gain a hold of. That is no longer the case. 

Cable news and major newspapers in the US only support one side of any geopolitical argument, that is the state's official stance on the issue. These outlets will give the illusion of freedom by taking either a left or rightwing approach to their domestic ideology. Anyone who does not tow the party line geopolitically will not be guest speakers, let alone anchors or writers. RT America was forced out of existence entirely. 

A way around this in the early 21st century had been social media and the internet at large. However, the state has begun to crack down on every major social media or encrypted messenger app they can get a hold of. Their billionaire American lackeys were all too happy to help in order to retain their fortune. Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg will tow the party line, or else. 

One Russian billionaire, the founder of Telegram, had resisted until recently. He was arrested in France in August of 2024 on trumped up charges. It was announced in September of 2024 that Telegram would begin supplying the IP addresses of "reported accounts" that were involved in "breaking the terms of service." This is a clear sign that they gave Durov, the Telegram founder, an offer he couldn't refuse. 

Whatsapp had been encrypted and outside of the reach of the American empire until it was bought by Zuckerberg's Meta and placed into the US government's integrated spying and information denial apparatus. TikTok is scheduled to be banned in January of 2024 unless it is "sold." The implication is that the empire wants it to be sold to an American company so it can be properly controlled, or it will not be allowed. 

It is a matter of time before post such as this are suppressed. That is the direction the compete control of media is trending. Eventually even a small article that few people see will be considered heretical by the state and deleted.